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EXCLUSIVE: Effects Of COVID-19 Change Crime Alert’s Policy — Image Maker

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The Crime Alert Security Network has enjoined the shareholders partnering with organization to be patient and persevered as the ravaging coronavirus pestilence responsible for change of policy.

The Image Maker of the security outfit, Akinwale Jumoke while in a phone conversation with the Publisher/CEO,, Adetunji Fabode disclosed that the current unfortunate circumstances of ravaging coronavirus pandemic has negatively triggered the change of the organization’s policy from the usual 30 to 60 working days.

Jumoke stressed that the organization had no biased motive of acting contrary against the standard policy that guarantees the agreement between the company and the shareholders, adding that the current clog in the organization’s wheel that makes it unable to pay the dividends as initially planned was due to coronavirus pandemic.

The Image Maker expatiated that the current changes of policy from 30 to 60 working days caused by Covid-19 is unequivocally in line with the organization’s firm readiness and sincerity to sustain and maintain the reputable image of the organization.

She said that the shareholders needed not to worry that their dividends are not received at an appropriate time, adding that the number of days they needed to wait before receipt of dividends is for main the main time.

While speaking on current policy, Jumoke said that the current policy of 60 working days equivalent to 12 weeks before the commencement of dividends’ receipt remains a temporary policy which would soon be normalized as economy being crippled by coronavirus pandemic picks up.

She enjoined the shareholders to be patient and persevered as their days of dividends’ obtainment have been temporarily extended.

Jumoke affirmed that Crime Alert Security Network remains a reputable organization which its mode of operation and corporate dealings with clients and shareholders centre on integrity, moral uprightness and dignity to maintain and sustain its reputable image.

She enjoined the shareholders partnering with organization to download telegram application in order to have access to pieces of information emanating from the organization.

Jumoke stressed that the pieces of information become important and noteworthy for the clients and shareholders so as to have the firm mastery and knowledge of the policy and other germane programmes.

She reiterated that Crime Alert Security Network remains a reputable organization that stands firmly and sincerely on agreement that binds it and its shareholders.

She enjoined all and sundry to partner with the organization on its security initiative aimed at protecting the lives and properties.

Stressing that people should not eat their future today as people’s readiness to invest in the organization will secure their lives and future.