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Oyo Lawmaker, Anthony Ogunsola Condoles Ayetoro-Ile, Family Over Demise Of Foremost Islamic Scholar, Yekeen Olohun Setemi

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As the people of Ayetoro-Ile and family in Iwajowa Local Government, Area of Oyo State are in mournful mood over the demise of foremost Islamic Scholar, Alhaji Alamal Yekeen Olorun Setemi, the Lawmaker for the State Constituency, Hon. Anthony Ogunsola has commiserated with them over the deceased’s transition to the great beyond.

Ayetoro-Ile-born Lawmaker expressed condolences to the community and family in a release signed and made available to

Hon. Ogunsola described late Islamic Scholar and preacher as a foremost and exemplary one when it comes to thorough preaching and explanation about the religion of Islam.

The Ex-Chairman of Nigeria Union of Teachers(NUT) in Iwajowa chapter described late Sheikh Yekeen Olorunsetemi as a fearless, knowledgeable and researchable Islamic preacher who through his life time upheld the tenets of Islam.

Adding that, the deceased had during his life time used his God’s given talents, knowledge and wisdom to groom many reputable scholars of reference.

He said, his death was a rude shock to Ayetoro-Ile and Iwajowa as a whole, sequel to his sound preachings and words of truth which had in no doubt liberated people from darkness to path of salvation.

Hon. Ogunsola however prayed to Allah to forgive his shortcomings and also grant him Aljanatul Fridaos.

He also prayed Allah to be with his bereaved families, Ayetoro-Ile, Iwajowa at large and equally provide them with fortitude to bear the painful loss.