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Anthony Ogunsola’s Competence And Readiness For Legislative Tasks | Khalid Imran

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It is no more a gainsaying and indisputable fact, that the concept of legislation can only be handled by someone who has its good mastery, adequate knowledge and better understanding.

The major tasks which are revolved around effective representation, lawmaking, and oversight functions are not for mediocre nor someone who wants to learn while assuming the legislative chamber.

Hon. Anthony Ogunsola Oladejo, the current lawmaker at Oyo State House of Assembly for Iwajowa State Constituency, has shown and proved to be a square peg in a square hole.

Charity they say, begins at home, Hon. Anthony Ogunsola Oladejo who hails from Ayetoro-Ile in Iwajowa Local Government, Area of Oyo State, has at his tender age exhibited possession of leadership qualities which make him the primus inter pare among fans, colleagues and friends.

Aside possession of these qualities, his true modicum of ‘Omoluabi’ unblemished records of integrity, humility, transparency, honesty and decency among other positive values have continued to endear him to people around him and beyond.

Before he became a lawmaker, he is a sound unionist who had once a Chairman, Nigeria Union of Teachers and former Super for Eduction in Iwajowa Local Government, Area of the State.

The lawmaker who taught last at ADS High School, Iwere-Ile had been in talk and chalk profession for years, whose footprints and legacies remain evergreen.

Without being economical with the truth, experiences, knowledge and skills which he has garnered all over the years on areas of government and governance had unequivocally prepared him for the current assignment.

The constituents of Iwajowa State Constituency and Oyo State as a whole should in no distant time expect representation and laws that would positively affect their well beings in all ramifications.

Not only but also area of oversight functions would not be jettisoned by him, as someone who knows where shoe pinches his constituents.

His oratory prowess cum good command of English and readiness to mingle and lobby honourable colleagues would definitely precipitate attraction of democratic dividends to the constituents.

Khalid Imran, Editor,

Secretary, NUJ Oke-Ogun Federated Chapel