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Remi Oseni: Oscillation Between Politics And MFM Pastoral Influence | A. Caleb Olatunji

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To some Christian’s faiths, involvement in politics is simply seen as directly indulging in earthly things or put as immoral and such act is regarded as not spiritual and their perspectives of politics is a game for the sinners, some will argue with clear belief that there is no way a true Christian will get involved in politics, where seeking of terrestrial powers (“voodooism”), to remain steadfast is the assumed concurrent practice.

A good number of Christians are of the opinion that those in the game must be ready to engage in fetish practices as a form of protection against attacks from opponents or those from opposing camps , especially for those who look forward to elective contest .

Manning political positions in the black nations does not enjoy confidence of the populace, perhaps because the confidence people have in their various political leaders have been eroded by successive failures of some political leaders, who have hitherto been trusted with the trust of state obligations ,have consequently failed the people in the saddled assignments of public office at the terminal end. Having chosen leaders through democratic process at the ballot boxes, we have sadly witnessed pilfering and serious plundering of state resources, mismanagement and numerous atrocities of unimaginable level , which have drawn the ire of the public against those , who should ordinarily be men and women of honour as referred by the prefix “Honourable” in political ;lexicon .

These ugly experiences over time which have attracted public opprobrium, must have invariably given way to the so called conclusion on the path of certain block of Christian faith that “politics’ is a game reserved for the unbelievers and not for those who hold as sacrosanct their belief in Christ and truly desirous of eternity .

They rabidly look away from slightest participation and view with utmost dislike, any of their folds participating in the ungodly world of politics.
Quite unfortunately, the ugly scenario of detest for politics came alive with the creation of Pentecostal Christianity in Nigeria, as the case was different with the orthodox churches, whose members freely participated in early political associations that the days of “Egbe Omo Oduduwa(Action Congress)” with many members of Anglican and Baptist denominations, NCNC which paraded many Christians of catholic faith in their fold, and several others during the first, 2nd and third republics. The situation later changed with the advent of Pentecostal Christianity, which assumed more ferocious approach to Christianity , which disliked “sins’ and any acts that could be described as such with such vehemence, it was this new twist and approach to Christianity that pitched in perspective ,the Pentecostal churches against politics and whatever involvement and this aptly explains why in recent history, very few Christians will be seen in the circle or those seen are regarded as not being committed Christian faith .

The emerging changes in the approach has however started within the same Pentecostal fold , when very respected men of God in a different style have consciously or unconsciously encourage their members to participate in the process that produce their leaders and the need for God-fearing individuals manning public positions cannot be overemphasized. The height of the current approach was the emergence of Professor Yemi Osibajo , the current Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria , who is of Redeemed Christian church of God , a pastor with one of the branches came forth to cause remarkable change in the notion that Christians should not partake in the game , though , the same participation are being witnessed at other levels of administration , which have witnessed devoted Christian faith elected as Governors, Senators, House of Representatives, State Assembly members, Local Government Chairmen, Councilors and similarly appointments into various offices.

The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry (MFM) , no doubt is one of the Pentecostal churches , which can be no-less described as “fire brand” with viscera dislike for worldly nature , the members without any iota of contradiction portrays the seriousness of Christianity of end times , the teachings focus on the kingdom of God after this sinful world as the ultimate and the church with its prayerful style and pure teachings has grown to be one of the most populous in the universe . MFM, under the General Overseer of Dr. D. K Olukoya has branches all over the globe, with members highly revered and respected in their conduct
It is therefore, an applaud able step, when such an incontrovertibly respected denomination encourage her members to partake in the political process, which cannot be separated from human existence. Dr Olukoya has severally in some of his teachings charges the members to be God fearing and make changes wherever they are found , be it in politics, private world, civil service , business and corporate world, and as widely attested, the members have reflected this in their various areas of involvement
Lending credence to this amongst numerous others, who have imbibed the teachings of “God-Fearing” style of living in MFM Dr Olukoya’s teachings is the recently elected Engineer Aderemi Oseni, an avowed member and is an anointed man of God, a preacher of the Word. He is a Regional Overseer in Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), who won the meritorious seat as a member to represent Ibarapa East/Ido Federal Constituency at the green chamber of the nation’s national Assembly on February 25th, Nass election.

His foray into the murky waters of politics has definitely redesigned what a true servant of the people should be , without occupation of public office, Aderemi Oseni has impacted positively and tremendously , from his hard earned money, he has self financed humongous projects that government at different tiers will budget hundreds of millions to execute . A run of some of the projects may be an easy attestation to how his foray has justified the need for more God-fearing individuals into the game .

His track record of unprecedented performance, years before indication for public office interest , Engineer Aderemi Oseni , more than anyone in history has demonstrated uncommon zeal for the socio-economic and infrastructural development of his people , he has touched many areas with hundreds of millions of Naira , unmatched by the current serving lawmaker , representing the federal constituency . Aderemi Oseni has engaged in provision of many Transformers to several communities, assisted several others with Millions of Naira in providing materials for installation(Apete-Olomo ,Awotan, Lamini ,Ido community , Elenusonso, Oke –Oloro-Omi-Adio ,Akinfenwa and several others in Ibarapa East and Ido LG Areas) , built schools for some communities, engaged in construction of linking roads (Akufo-Pakuro-Bogumbe –Road -2 Kilometer Road, Lawoyin to- Akufo Araro Road of 5 Kilometer, Idi-Iroko –to Erinwusi-to Odetola Road of about 21 Kilometer, Idi-Obi –to OKunawo Road ,Ologuneru-Jagada Bridge, graded Awotan Junction to Alakuta, Gbeleje-Aretu bridge )and bridges worth tens of millions of Naira ,
Installation of numerous Solar light Boreholes at Ibarapa East and Ido, Building of Hospital, almost completed and Aba paanu Health centre completed, Provision of millions of Naira At Elebu, building of secondary school . Donation of huge millions of Naira fro building of Mosque atAwotan and similarly donations of millions to building of Churches within the federal constituency. Financial Assistance of categories of people , Empowerment of youths and Women, Donation of ICT Centre to The Polytechnic, Ibadan and numerous others are just tips of what Engineer Aderemi Oseni long engaged in that may have attracted tumultuous crowd that trooped out to cast their votes in the historical victory that earned him the seat against the two-term incumbent of the PDP.

It is important to note that Engr. Aderemi single handedly donated faculty of Engineering ICT Centre for Ibadan Polytechnic, Ibadan in 2008, while frequently giving scholarships to indigent students, through Student Education Support Allowance (SESA) on regular basis.

However albeit contentiously, some are of the believe that the focus of Aderemi oseni to putting smiles on faces of people goes beyond the religious perspective , but evidence of inherent humane qualities that have manifested since his childhood , the fact still remains , that those innate qualities must have been accelerated by the religious teachings as a pastor in the MFM and the need for God-fearing individuals cannot be overemphasized.
Impulsed by those fruits of the spirit ,Engr. Remi Oseni is has played the game as a grassroots politician, communitarian, community builder, a friend of youths and a philanthropist of high repute. He always seeks to promote the welfare of others, generously donating his God-given wealth, resources, experience, time, talent or skills to help others and create a better world.

He brought the voice and eyes of human dignity to the process of alleviating poverty of the downtrodden, especially widows, orphans, youth and women.

As a communitarian, he believes in doing good to make life better, easier and meaningful. This he does by giving away money to help people without expecting it to be refunded, empowering people with vocational skills and entrepreneurial development-with startup capital targeted at helping the poor to become self-sufficient and improve their own lives.

By the benevolence of God’s grace upon his life, he has helped many youths to attain University education in various fields through his foundation.” Remi Oseni Foundation for Better Life & Youth Empowerment “.

The Foundation focuses on education-financial aids, scholarship to brilliant but indigent students, sponsoring vocational & entrepreneurial development trainings, youth empowerment, free Health care, promoting human dignity & better life for all. Peace building, Leadership Development & Good Governance, Women and Children’s access to quality education & equal opportunity.

As a humanitarian, philanthropist, Apostle of better life for all, and also as social Worth of mention is the role played by Engr. Aderemi Oseni during the year 2019/2020 global Corona Virus pandemic. As a lover of people, he donated millions of Naira to the Oyo State Government to fight the virus, and also provided foods, money, and other relief materials worth millions of Naira, which were distributed to the people of Oyo State as palliatives through his Foundation (ROFFBLYE).
Remi Oseni has always freely engaged the politicians, who flock round him with pure teachings from the scriptures of the Holy bible and similarly , has never shied away from doing the same to political gatherings, whenever the opportunity beckons , this he did not wavered in doing, even during the heat of political campaign, when he never wavered in showing the duty of his pastoral calling. Oseni’s Saturdays have been interspaced with preparation for the next Sunday’s teaching on the pulpit and this may have invariably been responsible for his unprecedented acts of kindness to humanity.

While the virtues of exemplary and spirited demonstration to using the instrument of public office to better lots of the populace and the area space may have been commendably displayed by people from other faith, we have seen Moslems and traditional worshippers , who have shown strength of character and purposeful occupation of public offices , it is only that Engineer Remi Oseni has gone further by not waiting till he occupies the public office before he awesomely demonstrated his burning desire to impact and the execution of those projects has proven the mindset of a new breed politician from the quarters he came from.

As is being taught in Christianity, so also in Islam and the traditional religion, the need to engage in kind acts and deeds whether in public office or not and one can only applaud those revered servants of God and encourage our men of God to continue to engage their members on the need to be productive to their society and that iota of contribution will become that ocean that will navigate our nation in the right direction. For Aderemi Oseni, we can only assist him in prayers to do lots more as he officially joins the tier of governance as a legislature of our national Assembly and the people of Ido and Ibarapa East Federal Constituency , will taste more dividends than they have experienced from Oseni’s long list of impactful past that justified his mammoth victory on February 25th general election.

Alabi Caleb Olatunji, a Public Relations Expert ,writes from Agbofieti area of Ido LG in Ibadan.