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My Priorities On Representation, Legislation And Constituents’ Needs — Mulikat Akande Adeola

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Legislature or Lawmaker is known and acknowledged as one of the genres or arms of government who makes legislation for execution and interpretation of both executive and judiciary, but the fourth estate of the realm(press) engages in information, entertainment and education among others.

It is no more a gainsaying and indisputable fact that the lawmakers cannot unilaterally elect themselves for the designated capacities of lawmaking, unless the respective constituents grant their candidatures and legitimacy at the Local, State and Federal and Senatorial levels respectively.

Need to say that the legislature is being elected by his/her constituents on a mission and task to represent them at the hallow chambers for active participation and fruitful discharge of constitutional tasks which are aimed at attracting dividends of democracy and generally bringing them development and progress of note.

Without being economical with the truth, the constituents begin to demand and expect their lawmakers to facilitate development to the constituencies, shortly after their inauguration had been successfully done.

It is true that the lawmaker is not constitutionally allowed to carryout nor discharging the tasks expected of executive arm but the constituents’ expectation on lawmaker will completely centre on his/her sponsorship of bills and motions, active participation on amendment of the constitution when the need arises and constructive debate on abrogation of any existing law as circumstance of time warrants such.

Not only but constituents also ensure that their lawmaker is active to all activities and matters in the house, contribute his/her own quota to assessment of appropriation budget and considerable approval to appointments sent by the executive arm.

The constituents who eager for the success of their lawmaker will never tired but refire to ensure that he/she takes part in summons, ratification of treaty, handling of petitions, enlightenment of public and investigation of wrongdoings among others.

There is every tendency that, if the impacts of lawmaker are felt in the house, the possibility of returning to the constituents with democratic gains will not be an herculean task.

The parliamentarians may not be able to execute the major projects in their respective constituencies but they have the wherewithal and constitutional rights to task the executive to execute the projects that the constituents are desperately in need of.

Development and progress of the constituents remain an indication of true, competent and dynamic representation of lawmaker at the hallow chamber.

However, my painstaking efforts have given me the privilege to know and have perfect mastery of the needs and challenges of each local government in Oyo North Senatorial District.

The results obtained have no doubt culminated in formulation of unambiguous blueprint and manifesto that would explicitly address the needs of the constituents across the thirteen(13) local governments

I, Mulikat Akande Adeola is set to lead Oyo North Senatorial District to where is supposed to be and where it ought to have attained for the progress and benefits of the constituents regardless of political affiliations, sex, religions and other dichotomies.

Experiences garnered all over the years as a politician and most especially while at the green chamber of National Assembly can be leveraged upon for the next service delivery.

I’m ready to serve with God’s piety, readiness to put smiles on constituents, eagerness to give relief to where shoe pinches them and effective representation for senatorial development and progress.

MAA 2023