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2023: Oyo Speaker, Performances And Why His Reelection?

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From Left, Rt. Hon. Adebo Ogundoyin, Engr Seyi Makinde

“The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.”
“Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that his/her vote matters, that their vote is counted, and that in the voting booth, their vote has a much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress, or any President.” Barbara Boxer

Rt Hon. Adebo Edward Ogundoyin is the current speaker of Oyo State House of Assembly whose presence and participation at the plenary session was consequent upon mandate bestowed on him by the constituents of Ibarapa East State Constituency.

He became member of the hallow chamber based on his membership with People’s Democratic Party(PDP) and he is however known and regarded as the son of late business mogul, late Ogundoyin of Eruwaland in Ibarapa axis of pacesetter state.

Rt Hon. Adebo Ogundoyin is no doubt the youngest speaker in Nigeria, whose brilliance, competence, legislative dynamism and leadership charisma had brought unprecedented achievements to the 9th Oyo House of Assembly.

His justification and promise during his electioneering campaign to give effective representation of his constituency at the chamber, work on oversight functions and complete expedition of efforts on bills/motions that would be of help to his constituents had been manifested in his score cards of over three years of leading the house.

Ogundoyin’s leadership had without a gainsaying birthed countless bills and motions which are unequivocally beneficial to his constituents, Oyo State and Nigeria as a whole.

Aside Ogundoyin’s legislative prowess and political experience, he remains an energetic and experienced youth who is naturally blessed on area of conflict resolution, he is a perfect mediator who has the ingenuity and technical know how to deal with internal wranglings that may tear FRIENDSHIP, PARTY and corporate organizations.

Ogundoyin has succeeded in so many areas which this writeup might not be an avenue to sight instances for the sake of time and space, but would be kept till another time.

Also, he is a brilliant youth speaker whose leadership acumen had earned him to represent co-parliamentarians in the state and national level at bother local and international fora. His gift of oratory prowess, points marshall and use of simple choice of words had truly made him a primus inter pare.

Despite his busy schedule to make bills and motions on issues which are so concerned to the development of the state, he has not equally forgotten his constituents on areas of employment, empowerment, skills’ acquisition and stance towards poverty eradication among his constituents.

However, as 2023 general elections beckon, Rt Hon. Adebo Ogundoyin has again thrown his hat into the ring for representation of same Ibarapa East State Constituency, and it beholds to state that one good term deserves another.

On a note of conviction, he has genuinely come up with perfect blueprint that would truly address the myriads of challenges that his constituents are facing.

Ogundoyin’s reelection is sinquanon to the constituents, Oyo Assembly and Governor Seyi Makinde, the reason is no doubt consequent upon his fresh brain and leadership ability that would be valuable to all and sundry.

His colleagues had justified that, Ogundoyin’s legislative knowledge and wisdom should be needed not only at the State House of Assembly but also a place higher than the current status.

Hopefully, the next edition of the writeup would unveil his programme, masses’ focused blueprints and reasons for his presence at the next 10th Oyo State House of Assembly, pls watch out!.

“Do the unexpected. Take 20 minutes out of your day, do what young people all over the world are dying to do: Vote.” Rick Mercer

By the Media Team