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Okeogun Lawmakers: History In The Making | OkeOgun Ponbele Group

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I want to see from the body language, dispositions and actions of our lawmakers from Okeogun, whether they be on the side of or against history.

I remember vividly in 2006 that our legitimate sons of Okeogun in the house of assembly stood by Gov Ladoja from Ibadan against his impeachment. They behaved like typical Omo Okeogun to defend justice and democracy.

They snubbed all entreaties and rebuffed all inducements to let them act a script. The matured and experienced lawmakers from Okeogun lived by the culture, ethics and ethos of Omoluabi which Okeogun are noted for.

They refused to succumb to blackmail, intimidation and harassment in whatever form in order to protect the peace and unity of the state. I remember that the present deputy Gov, though a civil servant then also stood on the side of history. I remembered myself and him discussed the issue then, he described the impeachment as illegal and he told me point blank that Chief Ladoja would get justice and at last high chief Ladoja was vindicated and restored to his seat. That is Engr Olaniyan for you. He hates cheating and injustice. One of his greatest albatross is that his Yes is yes while his No is No. He doesn’t know how to pretend. He doesn’t hide behind a finger. If he agreed with you, he has agreed with you.

I know that I’m one of those who criticised him for accepting to be a running mate when he was already a Gubernatorial aspirant. Without being a soothsayer, I looked at the marriage as that of marriage of inconvenience or circumstances.

Imagine a technocrat who had worked with not less than 8 governors (military and civilian) of the State. What has he not seen of the powers, duties and functions of the offices of governor and deputy governor? That he sacrificed his ambition to be a running mate is enough an indication that he was not desperate. At over 60 years of age, I don’t think one would be justified to accuse him of desperation. Having spent not less than 28 years in the public service, given wide latitude and conducive environment to work, he could have being the engine house of Makinde/Olaniyan administration. The governor is very lucky to have that kind of deputy but alas, they could not get along with each other. Here I’m not apportioning blame, although me I expected one who proposed to a lady to accept his proposal should be able to pet the lady to go to bed with him.

If I was able to convince someone who himself had ambition step down to be my running mate, I should be able to manage him until the end of our tenure. Regardless of what people might say, the late Sen Ajimobi still deserved commendations. He managed his deputy or the deputy managed him until the end of their second term in office.

Sorry for digression. I’m more particular about our lawmakers from Okeogun. Which role will you play? Do you want to be on the side of history or against it. Each of you bear your fathers’ names and we know your compounds. Whatever role you play today will become history tomorrow. Are you part of Omo Okeogun that will bring down your your brother or uncle? What exactly has Engr Olaniyan done?

I went through the poorly drafted notice of impeachment. The grounds of the impeachment are vexatious, watery and malafide.

Beside the defection of deputy Gov to APC, I can’t fathom any other ground on which the impeachment could stand.

It’s no longer easy for a governor to initiate impeachment against his deputy simply because he doesn’t like his deputy face any longer. Our supreme court in the cases of Ladoja , Atiku and that of Ondo state have clearly defined and set the template upon which an impeachment could sustain.

Our concern here is on two grounds.

  1. The need for peace.The lawmakers should ensure they toe the path of constitutionality, due process and civilization. They should uphold the constitution and refrain from any action capable of throwing Oyo State into pandemonium. The impeachment could be a prelude to more drastic socio-political upheaval, if they refused to read the handwriting on the walls. You can’t rule out the intention of some people who might want to benefit from the impeachment and it’s attendant consequences.
  2. The Okeogun lawmakers. Search your conscience and be guided by justice, equity and good conscience. You are ambassadors of Okeogun. Remember the sons or daughters of who you are. Our relationship transcends politics and we will continue to meet. Don’t allow yourselves to be manipulated. Most of you are recontesting. Yes, you have been given automatic tickets to recontest. You will certainly come back home to beg us.

To our traditional rulers, community and religious leaders of Okeogun. Let it be on record that you rose up to defend cheating, oppression, use and dump. I’m sure many of you voted Gov Makinde in 2019 because he picked your son as a running mate. Yes, it’s true that he has picked another son of Okeogun as a running mate, but what is the assurance or guaranty that the governor will not mess up with the new running mate after the governor might have been reelected. Shine your eyes. Pasan ti a fi na iyale, o n be laja fun iyawo.
A word is enough for the wise.

Okeogun Ponbele Group (OPG)