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2023: Imposition Of Candidates Remains Mere Rumours, Can’t Be Orchestrated By Makinde As True Democrat — Senatorial Hopeful, Wale Ajani Assures

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People’s Democratic Party, PDP Senatorial hopeful in Oyo Central, Comrade Wale Ajani has stressed that an alleged imposition of candidates that is being orchestrated by Governor Seyi Makinde remains a mere rumour.

Stressing that Governor himself is a true democrat whose actions and utterances are in tandem with democratic tenets.

Ajani disclosed this on Saturday, April 9 while fielding questions from journalists during a media chat organised in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State.

While substantiating his stance, the senatorial hopeful expatiated that the pieces of information spreading like wildfire on imposition of candidates are mere rumours which can’t be orchestrated by Governor Seyi Makinde.

Ajani maintained that Makinde is no doubt a democrat who has firm understanding and mastery of democratic engagement and tenets.

Stressing that Makinde could not engage in an act that would give extinction to stability of democracy and its firm principles.

On his preparation for party’s primaries, he said that he had consulted all concerned and appropriate individuals and stakeholders in the fold of umbrella party for possibility of his emergence.

Ajani maintained that he has declared his intention with procurement and submission of expression of interest and nomination forms.

Adding that he has got ready and willing to partake in PDP senatorial primaries slated for May, 2022 and God’s willing, he would coast home to victory.

On his blueprint, he disclosed that Oyo Central Senatorial District deserves better representation and it has to be liberated from the shackles of retrogression that is purportedly triggered by bad representation.

Ajani, if given the tick and wins at the general elections, promised to make differences on human capital development and human welfares that would make dichotomy between living and existing.

Among the aspirants, he adjudged himself the best choice, sequel to his firmness of legislative mystery, engagement on concept of legislation and dynamism on effective representation.

Ajani stressed that, being the youngest among the aspirants with character, competency and capacity, party’s stakeholders would not jettison the fact of putting a square peg in a round hole.

He said, he believed that PDP remains a party which tailors its activities and programmes in line with pronouncement of democratic tenets, maintaining that the Governor and leaders would do everything possible to adhere strictly to those principles.

On sum of #1M he credited to one of the account numbers of the leaders in Oyo Central but now becoming talk of town that he was mounting pressure on them for retrieval, Ajani maintained that it was a mere grapevine that he mounted pressure on them, but Senatorial Chairman, Alh. Mufutau Ogunremi in his wisdom returned the money to him, having known that its payment goes against the party’s guidelines and its constitution.

In Ajani’s emphasis, ” Alhaji Mufutau Ogunremi returned the money because he is a man of conscience as he also agreed that the meeting was hijacked and manipulated by some characters”.