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We Don’t Have Equipment To Withstand Hoodlums In Oyo — Anonymous Police

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An anonymous police officer in Oyo State has said that Nigeria Police Force, NPF of the state chapter does not have the sophisticated equipment to withstand the hoodlums and suspected armed robbers who are terrorising the state.

A police officer, who spoke under the condition of anonymity with shortly after the unrest at Oremeji axis of Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State was brought to bearest minimum, lamented that it was disheartening and shameful that Oyo State Chapter of NPF could not boast of any sophisticated equipment to withstand neither of the hoodlums nor suspected armed robbers who are terrorising Ibadan and other parts of pacesetter state these days.

The said police officer disclosed that the battle which led to exchange of stray bullets between the members of Park Management System(PMS) and Federal Boys some days ago was a sad phenomenon, which the police officers in the axis could not withstand.

He stressed that the sophisticated weapons(pump riffles) that were handled by both PMS boys and Federal Boys are better compared to AK-47 riffles which team of Oyo NPF are using.

An anonymous police officer, maintained that while the fracas broke up between the duo at Oremeji axis of Ibadan land, the team of NPF were watching them at far distance, that the weapons they had, were superior to the ones handling by the police.

He said that the police are now helpless, lamenting that they lack the necessary equipment to beef up the security and ensure protection of lives and properties across the state.

The source hinted that there is no single functioning Armoured Personnel Carrier, APC in Oyo State, maintaining that the one that is stationing at Agodi Prison is malfunctioning.

He corroborated that the APC at the Government Secretariat is only there for mere sake, that it can’t function effectively while the need arises for its use.

An anonymous police expressed his state of unhappiness regarding the circumstances that consistently trigger the loss of police officers in Oyo State and across the country.

He reiterated that the hoodlums are carrying and displaying the weapons that they cannot withstand, saying their pump riffles are more sophisticated than AK-47 that men of Police Force are carrying to protect lives and properties.

He called on government to make the necessary and required weapons and equipment available to NPF in Oyo State, maintaining that it calls for sobber reflection while hoodlums are over powering men of Nigeria Police Force.