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2023: Wale Ajani Declares For Senate, Stresses Need To Change Narratives On Education, Empowerments, Others

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OnaAra Local Government Indigene and Ex President of National Youth Council of Nigeria(NYCN), Comrade Wale Ajani has declared his intention to represent Oyo Central Senatorial District, Oyo State at the red chamber of National Assembly, with eagerness and readiness to change the narratives on mode of empowerment, gives priority to education and other areas that require genuine attention.

Ajani who intends to contest under the platform of People’s Democratic Party(PDP) made disclosure of his senatorial aspiration, during the media parley in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State on Thursday, January 27, 2022.

In his media engagement, Ajani disclosed that his declaration of ambition was premised on curiosity to ensure effective response and representation of Oyo Central Senatorial District’s constituents at the red chamber of the National Assembly.

Adding that patriotic efforts would be genuinely dissipated on sponsorship of motions and bills that would address the challenges and obvious obstacles of the constituents, noting that he will not in any way jettison overnight functions as situation and parliamentary tasks demand.

The Senatorial Aspirant maintained that, he would ensure that he changes the narratives on mode of empowerment having secured the ticket and won, stressing that he would develop the vocational skills of women, youths and persons with disability through adequate and regular empowerment programmes and trainings.

Ajani added that efforts would be geared towards establishment of a most effective platform for the empowerment of artisans, technicians, farmers, and traders in the Senatorial District, in order to enhance their capacities for greater profits.

He stressed that the foundation of every state is the education of its youths, maintaining that he would ascertain the acceleration and better standard of education in the senatorial district via bursary to students, facilitation of modern facilities in schools across Oyo Central, incentives and other logistics to get the work done.

Ajani emphasised the need to work in tandem with other senators from Oyo State on reason to ensure that the Airport works to optimal level in order to improve the economic prosperity of the state and Nigeria as a whole.

The Civil Engineer and University of Lagos Alumus assured the constituents of goodies and dividends of democracy via attraction of national projects and appointments to the senatorial district.

Adding that he would definitely ensure that the Federal Government enhances road networks in the senatorial district through regular road maintenance and rehabilitation for enhanced social and economic growth.

Ajani said that he would make sure he works towards the development of humans on capacity building, as painstaking efforts would be channeled towards the identification and promotion of under/untapped resources in order to improve the people and economy at large.

He reiterated that there shall be need to change narratives not only on mode of empowerment but also on other areas which are concerned with prosperity of the constituents and the senatorial district at large.

Ajani pledged his commitment, dedication, transparency and effective representation and however called on the constituents to throw their weight behind him in order to achieve the long term dream.