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Pandemonium Breaks Out In Ibadan As Truck Crushed Three To Death, Injured Four

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Pandemonium broke out in Mokola Roundabout, Ibadan, Oyo State on Thursday as a truck laden with Gas crushed three crushed three persons to death while four people were injured.

The fatal accident, according to the Executive Chairman of the Oyo State Road Transport Management (OYRTMA), Mogaji Akin Fagbemi said the accident occurred at 11:20am involving a gas tank (richbam) with registration number: MAP810YY, two Micra cars and four motorcycles.

According to Fagbemi, the cause of the accident was as a result of brake failure. His words:

“Immediately the accident occurred, OYRTMA officials rescued three victims and were quickly rushed to UCH, why two people were removed from the trap of truck and the corpses had been deposited at Adeoyo hospital.

” The rescue operations were done by OYRTMA in collaboration with the Nigeria Police, Road Safety, Civil Defence and Operation Burst.
The vehicles involved had been removed from the road and were towed to mokola police station for further investigation.”