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Electoral Amendment Bill: YIAGA Asks National Assembly To Use Its Veto Power

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A civil society organisation, YIAGA Africa has called on the national assembly to take action on the electoral act amendment bill.
President Muhammadu Buhari had 30 days to either assent or reject the electoral bill transmitted to him by the national assembly.

However, the president is yet to take a decision on the bill even as the 30-day deadline provided by the constitution elapsed on 19th of December (Sunday).

According to law, the national assembly has the constitutional power to override Buhari by a two-third vote in a case where no action is taken by the president on the bill.

Speaking on Monday at the ‘Incredible Music Festival’ in Lagos, Cynthia Mbamalu, director of programmes at YIAGA, said: “The president should realise he is failing Nigerians because this is the electoral amendment that a lot of Nigerians got interested in and we have been making demands for certain things,”

“But there are two options. The president had the deadline yesterday. The national assembly has the power of veto and needs to exercise that power because they are the arm of government that has the power to actually checkmate the executive.

“We already know we have lawmakers who think that whatever the president says is final, but this is the time for us Nigerians to also put the pressure on them.

“If President Muhammadu Buhari knows what is good for him and his government and if he really wants to key into the idea of legacy as he leaves office, he needs to assent to the bill or the national assembly needs to show Nigerians that they are serious about this and pass the bill.