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Oyo PDP: Youths For Positive Change Initiative Counters Concerned Youths, Affirms Adekola Adeoye’s Leadership

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The youths for positive change initiative under the platform of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP has affirmed the leadership of Asiwaju Adekola Adeoye as Oyo State, Youth Leader, countered the earlier vote of no confidence passed on him by the party concerned youths.

This authenticity was contained in a release issued by the youths for positive change initiative, while 100 percent confidence was restored in Adeoye.

According to the statement, “We are a group of like-minded youths of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Oyo State. We have refused to follow the multitude to do evil and that is why we have to clear some misconceptions and the scripts being acted by our dear youths on the other side of the divide”.

“In fact, we are not unaware of the hilarious melodrama going on in some quarters in our dear Oyo State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). As followers of the trend in our party, we are solidly behind the number one youth of the PDP in the state, Asiwaju Adekola Adeoye. We believe in the leadership of our distinguished leader, Asiwaju Adeoye, and no amount of the evil machination of his enemies will deter us from standing firmly behind him every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and years and years to come”.

“We so much believe that the present storm will be laid to rest very soonest. We also want to assure him that soonest the boys will be separated from the men”.

“It is unfortunate to note that the desire and over-ambition has beclouded some of our comrades that we fought the 2019 battle together, leading to the emergence of the present governor”.

“It becomes imperative for us to write this, having advised our leader, Asiwaju Adeoye, to remain quiet and turn deaf ears to the barking, rantings and noises of the paid agents who are desirous of political appointments. Of course, we are not moved because Waterloo awaits them if they don’t repent”.

“We know that what our fellow comrades are doing stems from the need to service their SIWES allowances. In the end, we know that blessings will be counted and measured and some of these people servicing their pots of porridge will gnash their teethes when it is time”.

“We have told our loyal and fellow youths to remain calm as events unfold soonest. Some of the youths name-calling and painting our leader in bad light have stylishly told us they are doing so at least to benefit from this government”.

“Lastly, we are amused by the child play exhibited by their paid youths to pass a vote of no confidence on the strategist, youth mobiliser, thorough bred politician with records spanning close to two decades, especially in the Ladoja School of Politics”.

“We, the youths of the party, without any fear, pledge our support for the leadership of Asiwaju Adekola Adeoye and we want the leadership of the party from ward to national level to know this”.

“In the lack of political understanding of some stooges calling themselves youths of our own party, the points 5 and 6 in their communique are a shame of the millennium”.

Read the points 5 and 7 here

  1. We implore the leadership of the party to continue and intensify the reconciliation and peace moves in the party so as to ensure that everybody is on the same page.

Our position on no. 5:
Which reconciliation? You call for reconciliation? You are echoing war beat and you’re still talking about reconciliation. You err here!

  1. We also use the medium to ask for more leverages, opportunities and political considerations for the youths within the party.

Our position on no. 7:
So, you need leverages, opportunities and political considerations? Why are you now pretending as if all is well with you? In your naivity, you should not have included it in what will be in the public domain. Why will you become beggars or slaves in your own house?