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Oyo: Ibadan North Chairman, Agba Egbe Reveals Score Cards To Attain Within 100 Days

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Hon. Yusuf Shahib Oladayo the newly elected Ibadan North Local Government Chairman has promised to return the state of education back to what it used to be during his administration and also said his first 100days in office has been targeted towards education,road rehabilitation and empowerment programmes regardless of party affiliations.

He made this promise during a media chat with news men in his office, the chairman noted that education is an important tool to the fundamental growth of a nation and that his administration is planning to set up a committee to look into possible ways of encouraging youths to have faith in education once again.

He however reiterated that he is set to follow the steps the executive governor has been taking in order to put out of school students back in schools and that if need be to appeal to them that his administration is ready to do the needful on education at an appropriate time.

Also called on parents to assist the government, as the bulk of achieving this target is in their hands.

Meanwhile, the chairman also called on security stakeholders to join force with the local government administration in order to improve the state of insecurity in the state and also said the administration has started working on providing mobility for vigilante groups in order for them to work effectively.

He therefore called for the need to bring in local investors so as to improve the economy of both the local government and the state at large.

While rounding of the media chat he was asked if he has eyes on becoming the ALGON Chairman, he said “I’m a man who like moving”.