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JUST IN: 25Ltr Of Water Now Sold For N500 As Water Scarcity Increases In Abuja.

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Water they say ‘is an is an indispensable commodity that one cannot do without it’.

This is due to its usefulness in human’s life and the application of its need in human’s activities.

No wonders there is a general notion that water is indispensable as it does not have a substitute.

Notwithstanding the usefulness of water, Abuja’s residents are currently not finding it easy as water scarcity continues to bit harder in the city.

A reporter, who went round the city said, University community is the worst hit as a 25ltr of Jerry Can of water is now being sold as high as N500 to N600.

According to him, from Gwagwalada to Dutse Alhaji, Bwari, Maraba
down to Lugbe town, the situation is the same.

He said, a final year student of University of Abuja who spoke with him said, “this ugly development started mid February, and everyone thought it was for a short period but the situation has lasted longer than necessary which has caused untold hardship to students and the entire Abuja’s residents except for those individuals who are well to do with personal boreholes”.

The student further narrated his ordeal that the cell phone lines rolled out on Human Radio recently to call members of Water Board for water, that they are not keeping to their promises as they often give excuses why they cannot supply individual water…

While the news medium called on the authority to come to the aid of Abuja ‘s residents, all efforts made to speak to water board why this lingering water scarcity proved abortive.
