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One Dead; Three Sustained Injuries As Cocoa House Elevator Crashed In Ibadan

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One person had been reportedly died and  three others were seriously injured on Wednesday as one of the Cocoa House elevators crashed, while some technicians were working on it.

It was reliably gathered that the faulty elevator collapsed while about four technicians whose names have been ascertained were working to restore it for the use of staff members of Odua Investment Company Limited and other Cocoa House tenants, but killed one person instantly and other three sustained various degrees of injuries.

Two other persons broke their arms while another person broke his legs during the accident.

They have been taken to hospital for immediate medical attention. 

Efforts to reach management of Odua Investment Company Limited, the manager of the historic edifice proved abortive as the phone number of the company’s spokesperson was switched off.

However, a source who craved anonymity hinted that the management of the company promised to speak with journalists very soon.