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FOD Unfolds Achievements Attained In 2020

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Friends of Deji Ola(FOD), a non-governmental, non-political and non-religious organization has unfolded the achievements attained in 2020.

This was contained its release that was made available to

The statement goes thus:

FRIENDS OF DEJI OLA (FOD)* is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religion organization with over 8000 volunteers from all the 33 Local Government in Oyo state.

Aside our routine activities, our volunteers can conveniently handle the following:

  1. Community Drama
  2. Go-afishing
  3. Road show
  4. Rally
  5. Interpersonal Communication (IPC)
  6. Capacity Building

We also have considerable number of volunteers among Female Sexual workers (FSW), Transport Workers (TW), female out of shcool youths (FOSY), Males out of shcool youth (MOSY) Etc.

We are on a mission to positively change the naratives with H.E Engr Seyi Makinde while we continue to be part of positive history. For we are pace setters.

Below are some of our achievements in the year 2020

  1. Skill Acquisition
    60 youths were trained to celebrate Nigeria 60 year of independence
  2. Environmental sanitation and awareness
    We aggressively engaged ourselves in Environmental Sanitation exercise just to compliment efforts of the state Government. We should not forget that cleanliness is next to Godliness.
  3. Capacity Building
    We continously trained our members and other interested groups on life building skills, self esteem, setting goals etc.
  4. Free tutorial
    At the peak of the pandemic (Covid-19), we organized free online tutorial for over 800 SSCE students using different platforms such as Zoom, whatsapp etc.
  5. Sharing of pallaitives

At the peak of the pandemic, we shared food material and other household items to the needy who were negatively affected by the novel virus causing disease call Covid-19

  1. Clothe the needy
    For we are fully aware that one in five children walk around without good clothing or with tattered cloth. This triggered our decision to clothe the needful and we were able to reach over 2000 beneficiaries.

7 Feed the needy
We also gave food items to those in need through the help of members and other volunteers.

8 HIV/AIDS awareness
On 1st December which is world’s AIDS day, we shut all social platfoms down to reawake Nigerians about the deadly disease.

9 Covid-19 awareness
We also voluntarily contributed our quota in this big project and our roles was unprecedented

10 Free hand sanitizer and facemask
Over 400 face mask and hand sanitizer were shared to curtail the spread of covid-19 and other related disease.

  1. One book one pen
    Over 1800 exercise books were shared to public primary school children.
  2. Promotion of Good Governance
    We continously promoted governance from federal government level to local government level.

13 Promotion of religion tolerance
Because of our zeal to always preach religion tolerance in our immediate environment, we collectively agreed to go for thanks giving in church and special jumat prayer where all members participated irrespective of religion differences.

  1. Awareness against female genital mutilation
    FGM is man-made evil against our girls and we have taken it as point of duty to always preach against it.

15 Awareness against gender based voilence
We recorded exceptional success stories in this campaign and we have started seeing a great change in our communities.

  1. War against RAPE
    Early this year, we pronounced war against rape and we have successfully completed the first phase while hoping to see Government swinging into action and apprehend those who were caught in the act in order to serve as deterrent for others.

We have great appetite to do more and never to relent on our mission to positively change the naratives.

Wishing you all prosperous new year ahead .
