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Post EndSARS: Commercial Banks in Iseyin Resume Operation Amidst Tight Security

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The Commercial Banks in Iseyin Local Government Area of Oyo State have resumed operation of rendering services to their numerous customers amidst tight security, after some weeks of closure that was orchestrated by end SARS’ protest.

The United Bank for Africa(UBA) and ECO Bank have started working since Monday, November 9 amidst tight security while the likes of First and Union banks have currently jettisoned rendering services to their respective customers.

The two available banks on operation have stationed men of Operation Bursts and Paramilitary officers at the strategic paces closer to their base of operation. on Tuesday,November 10 gathered that Iseyin UBA employed the services of able and courageous men of Vigilante Group of Nigeria (VGN) while men of Operation Burst manned the strategic and security gate of ECO Bank branch in the community.

It was learnt that the two banks got the services of the security men, sequel to unverified reports that the banks can be attacked by the suspected hoodlums.

Efforts made to get the comments of the officials of the two banks proved abortive as they allegedly declined speaking to the crew of but a customer to one of the banks, Iyanda Samuel said that it was a joy that the two banks began operation in Iseyin after some weeks of closure.

Samuel added that many people had to go to Saki or Oyo for banking purpose and those that could not withstand the journey had to transact with Point of Sales(POS) agents regardless of charges.

He appealed to other banks which have not started working to summon courage and equally join the two banks which have been rendering valuable services to their numerous customers.

He equally enjoined the suspected hoodlums who were using the privilege of EndSARS’ protest to desist from the heinous crimes which are capable of ending their lives and denting the image and integrity of their respective families.