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AKINWOLE AKINWALE: A Shinning Light That Cuts Across The Bridges | Ayantoye Christopher

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He who defines a man by wealth will see only his material possessions, but base your quest of his worth in person then his impacts on humanity will emerge.

The man Akinwole Akinwale is likened to a shining light for many reasons and those who know-how down to the earth he is when it comes to putting a smile on people’s faces won’t blink an eye before acceding to the fact that he is indeed a rare angel amongst givers.

One will wonder why he is passionate about helping people especially when you look at the magnitude of what he does to keep a hope restored, but I think his popular quote said it all, “we give because we care, not because we have enough”

I sat over this a couple of times and came to realize that giving is a choice and it takes but only a heart that cares to give freely without expecting anything in return.

Indeed, Akinwole must have emulated this golden trait from his late father, Chief Magistrate Emmanuel Akinsanmi Akinwale, who according to the history stood for the course of the helpless to his last breath. A defender of the poor and a giver per excellence.

One will lose the count of many instances where Akinwole had been an angel that came to rescue. Yes, I do not think there is any single day that he does not make a person happy, no wonder his house is always like a market place filled with people whenever he is around.

Akinwole was once quoted saying, “I grew up to know places like Alata Flour mill, Alata Candles and a few others but seeing that today Ogbomoso is without a company gives me a great concern hence my decision to do whatever that is in my capacity to restore her lost glory and give our people a befitting life they so deserve. Be it in politics or in my private life I will continue doing my best for my people because that was my father’s utmost wish to make Ogbomoso great and I see it as an obligation to pick it where he stopped and contribute my quota to the progress of the land”.

” And that was what birthed all that I have done: Ajilete annual carnival, Jamb coaching for our children as well as Ajilete Warriors FC which was aimed at searching out football talents among our youths and give them a platform to live their dreams”

“Many more by the grace of God are still coming because we are determined that no class of people will be left untouched”