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Oyo ADC Expresses Unalloyed Loyalty, Commitment To The Party

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Executive members of Oyo State African Democratic Congress (ADC) have expressed their unalloyed loyalty and commitment to the party.

This was contained in a communique issued at the end of the meeting of the Oyo State Executive Committee of the party held on Friday, 4 September,2020.

According to their resolutions, “members of the Oyo State Executive Committee of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), rising from their meeting, held on Friday, 4 September, 2020, at the Party’s State Secretariat, Oke-Bola, Ibadan, after extensive deliberations, arrived at the following positions”.

“That we affirm our utmost support, belief and indeed, express our unalloyed loyalty, to the leadership of Senator Olufemi Lanlehin (SOLAN), our sincere, honest and principled governorship candidate in the 2019 polls, and stand by him solidly, in whatever political decisions he makes, knowing fully that as a selfless patriot, he always has our best interest at heart”.

“That we recognise the authority of, and pass a vote of confidence on Rev. Ezekiel Adeniran, our Acting State Chairman, as well as on all Members of the State Executive Committee led by him”.

” That, irrespective of the prevailing uncertainties in the current political climate of Oyo State, we remain committed, focused and loyal members of our dear party, the African Democratic Congress (ADC), and will continue to embark on actions and activities that advertises it as a pro-people political party”.

” That we urge all our members, in the 33 Local Government Areas and the 351 Wards of Oyo State, to remain faithful, committed and loyal to the ideals of welfarism, friendship and unity, which our party has become reputed for, while they remain undaunted in their belief in its capacity to organize strategically, forge partnerships where necessary, and position itself to win elections”.

“That our party and its members will continue to be vanguards of democracy and advocates of good governance, and will never for once, be disappointed, particularly at the level of ungratefulness being displayed by those helped to power, who instead of reciprocating kind gestures, have elected to turncoat, rather, we would continue to contribute our quota to the peace, progress and prosperity of Oyo State and Nigeria”.

“That we wish all our members the very best, promising them that we would continue to do our best to reward their unflinching support, loyalty and commitment, and that, in no distant time, “the good times shall return”, the communique explained.