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Oyo Assembly Seeks Upward Review Of Maternity Leave To Six Months

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As part of its resolve to ensure all round development of infants especially exclusive breastfeeding as well as promote healthy living for pregnant women and nursing mothers especially those in the employ of the Oyo State Government, the State House of Assembly is seeking an increase in maternity leave from four months to six months.

This formed part of the resolutions of the house on Tuesday while deliberating on a motion presented by Hon Olawumi Oladeji, Ogbomoso North State Constituency.

Hon Oladeji who said maternity leave varies according to states in Nigeria, added that States like Kaduna, Lagos, Enugu and Ekiti have increased theirs to six months while some have also approved paternity leave for men.

The plenary urged its Committee on Women Affairs to work with the Oyo State Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Women Affairs on ways of reviewing upward the maternity leave for female public servants in the state.

The Speaker, Hon Adebo Ogundoyin said the upward review was aimed at meeting the recommendation of the World Health Organization,W.H.O as the present four months maternity leave fall short of the international standard.

“We have empathy for our women and pain they bore during childbirth and task of taking care of the infant especially practising exclusive breastfeeding hence we will ensure the best is approved and giving to them.

” The Committee is taking the assignment just like every other one before the 9th Assembly seriously and we will ensure maternity which is a necessity is increased “