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COVID-19: YAI Condemn W.H.O, Testing Of COVID-19 Vaccine On Nigerians

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 “The Youth Advancement Initiative in Southwest(YAI SOUTHWEST) has condemn steps taken by World Health Organisation on ‘Testing Of COVID-19 Vaccine’ on Nigerians. In a statement released by southwest coordinator of the group, Amb. Ojo Olumide stated that ‘in solidarity we appreciate your unrelented efforts since you assumed the position of the minister of health for the federal republic of Nigeria, most especially during this trying period of COVID-19. May your efforts yield positive result.

 “It is no longer a NEWS to you and to the entire Nigerians that the World Health Organization(W.H.O) has a purported plan of exploring their second experimental hypothesis COVID-19 vaccine on our fellow compatriots.
Sir, in April 2020,when COVID-19 was at it mid, the America philanthropist Bill Gates invested so much money on this dreadful virus and his scientist came out to say they have a cure but this has to be tested on Africans before it can be recommended for the entire world.

“Honorable minster of health Sir, when did Africa continent  turned to a dumping site and are we Africans rats to be experimented? If at all the said cure needs to be tested, why not send over to China where the virus broke out from or the best it should be tested on his fellow Americans.
After series of condemnation here and there, the said vaccine was used in the United Kingdom under the aegis of WHO, but the outcome was not unveil to the rest of the world. However, whether the vaccine was not effective enough for total cure at that time or it killed the volunteers, no one knows.

“Honorable Minister Sir, the above is just taking you through the sighting line of history, because history and records can never be erased no matter how hard we try to.
Furthermore sir, the World Health Organization(W.H.O), gives enormous money to any country that volunteer to be tested with the vaccine. In this regards sir, can one say it is one of the reasons why Nigeria government decided to use her own people for the Bill Gates hypothesis?
The reason why the World Health Organization is yet to accept the Madagascar(Africa) herb for testing is still unclear, even Nigeria who happens to be on the same continent with Madagascar failed to accept the cure which the people of Madagascar has used and it has cured COVID-19 patients.

Shall we say the African based solution is cheaper?

“Honorable minister Sir, if you would recall, several Nigerians has suggested to have a cure for the deadly virus of which includes Professor Maurice Iwu who is a professor of Pharmacognosis and the imperial Majesty of Ife land, Ooni Adeyeye Ogunwusi to mention but few. The federal government failed to buy the idea, is there anything they are hiding Sir?
The lives of the meaningful Nigerians should not be toy with at the expense of anyone.

“HENCE , THE YOUTH ADVANCEMENT INITIATIVE in SOUTHWEST condemn the testing of the World health organization vaccine on our fellow Compatriots. It is a deadly mission which might send hundreds of our people to a journey of no return.
We say No to a plan to wipe out our race under the pretense of vaccine.
If the federal government fails in their responsibility to protect the lives of her citizen, we wonder what their constitutional duties are. Federal government must desist from chasing shadows and face the reality before it is too late.

”Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”- Mark Twain.
We hope and believe you as the honorable minister of health that knows how valuable the lives of Nigerians are, will do something about this purported vaccine testing in Nigeria.. We put our trust in you and hope you would not let us Down.