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UCH UPDATE ON COVID-19: A Staff Among Two Confirmed New Cases — CMD, Prof. Jesse

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The Chief Medical Director, University College Hospital(UCH), Ibadan, Oyo State, Professor Jesse Abiodun Otegbayo has disclosed that a member of staff is one of the two confirmed cases of coronavirus pandemic on Friday, May 1st.
The disclosure was contained in a release issued by UCH Covid-19 Media Team which centres on ‘ Update on Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 in the University College Hospital, Ibadan’, the capital of Oyo State.

In its words, “On behalf of the Board of management, the Chief Medical Director, Staff and Students of the University College Hospital,Ibadan, we wish you a Happy Workers’ Day. We also celebrate all our staff for their exemplary courage and commitment so far displayed in the fight against this wily virus. We shall overcome”.

“The CMD, Prof. Jesse Abiodun Otegbayo had in a message on the Workers’ day eulogized the staff of the hospital for their exemplary commitment to the eradication of the coronavirus. He assured them that Staff welfare and patients’ comfort will be taken more seriously”.
“As at 4pm, Friday, 2020,
there are two new cases in Oyo State with affiliation to the hospital who are being managed by the Emergency Operations Centre.

One is a member of staff, an imported case from Kano where the individual had gone on a training”.
“The second is a staffer who took a voluntary test with the state facility at Adamasingba. They are both cooperating with Oyo State Covid-19 Task Force”.

“The University College Hospital, Ibadan will continue to render excellent care and services to all our patients. The Hospital equally enjoins everyone to abide by the required infection prevention and control measures such as physical distancing, regular hand washing, use of hand sanitizers & face masks”.
” We will continue to update the public accordingly”. Enjoined people to Stay safe!.