I consider this medium noteworthy and necessary to felicitate with the current Deputy Governor of Oyo State, Engr. Rauf Olaniyan on his occasion of 60th birthdate.
It is no more a gainsaying and indisputable fact that a man of inestimable value and impeccable character like ‘Rauf Olaniyan’ can only be aged in age but newest in heart, experience and appearance.
His today’s attainment of 60 years of age is no doubt a coincidence but a notable and memorable day which he; himself, well wishers and admirers had been anticipated to witness, Alhamdulilah!, the day has come.
Who is Olaniyan?. Rauf Olaniyan is a typical and proud son of Igboholand, Oorelope Local Government Area of Oyo State whose love and desires for the development of where he comes from, Oyo State and Nigeria at large is second to none.

He proves to be a practising muslim, someone who keeps to sayings, deeds of Holy Prophet Muhammad and at large the moral teachings of Holy Quran.
He is known to be a political activist, analyst and democrat whose firm adherence to the tenets of democracy is making him a reckoned personality in political arena.
Rauf Olaniyan is known to be a man of integrity, impeccable character and prestige, he abstains from all shady and character assassinated dealings that are capable of discrediting him and render the built image useless.
He is a generous man who gives when and how the kindness would be meaningful and impactfulfu, he gives cheerfully with no regard to religious affiliations, political membership and racial dichotomy.
He believes everything is possible, he has no reasons for failure, pessimism and challenges keep him to be waxing stronger on daily basis.
Olaniyan is a philosopher, an expert in his engineering field and someone to be simply referred a specialist and generalist!
He is a leader, he has led well, he is leading now and he has many leadership qualities to exhibit proficiently.
Sincerely speaking, words alone cannot express what he is being made of, because is he someone who always appears little and maintains simplicity in all of his appearances.
Congratulations! Engr. Rauf Olaniyan
I pray the subsequent years would be more blissful and prosperous!.
Prince Adetunji Fabode
The Editor-in-Chief
Naija Today News